Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2023): Topologien von Büroarbeit. Raumkonstruktionen in physisch-virtuellen Arbeitsarrangements. Arbeit – Zeitschrift für Arbeitsforschung, Arbeitsgestaltung und Arbeitspolitik, Vol. 32, I. 2: 195-216. https://doi.org/10.1515/arbeit-2023-0012 (Open Access)
Kämpf-Dern, Annette; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (Hrsg.)(2022): Future Workspaces II. Special Issue Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Vol. 25, I. 2: 145-148. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCRE-06-2022-075 (Open Access)
Kämpf-Dern, Annette; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2022): Transforming workplaces into performing workspaces—Holistic evaluation concept for managing workspace change projects. Z Immobilienökonomie, Vol.8, I:2: 189-211. https://doi.org/10.1365/s41056-022-00058-y (Open Access)
Kämpf-Dern, Annette; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (Hrsg.)(2022): Future Workspaces. Special Issue Journal of Corporate Real Estate, Vol. 24, I. 1: 1-3. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCRE-04-2022-073 (Open Access)
Will-Zocholl, Mascha; Roth-Ebner, Caroline (2021): Introduction to Topologies of Digital Work. In Will-Zocholl, Mascha; Roth-Ebner, Caroline (eds.): Topologies of Work. How Digitalisation and Virtualisation shape Working Spaces and Places. Virtual Work Series. London: Palgrave MacMillan: 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80327-8_1 (Open Access)
Roth-Ebner, Caroline; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2021): Synopsis: How Space and Place Matter in the Context of Digital Work. In Will-Zocholl, Mascha; Roth-Ebner, Caroline (eds.): Topologies of Work. How Digitalisation and Virtualisation shape Working Spaces and Places. Virtual Work Series. London: Palgrave MacMillan: 263-283. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-80327-8_11 (Open Access)
Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2021): Information Space(s). In Appel-Meulenbroek, Rianne; Danivska, Vitalija (eds.): Workplace Theories. A Handbook of Theories on Designing Alignment Between People and the Office Environment. London: Routledge: 82-93. DOI
Kämpf-Dern, Annette; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (eds.)(2020): Future Workspaces. Proceedings of the 2nd Transdisciplinary Workplace Research Conference in Frankfurt and Online. Frankfurt/M. http://www.twrnetwork.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/TWR2020_Future_Workspaces_Ed2.pdf
Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2016): New topologies of work. Informatisation, virtualisation and globalisation in the automotive industry. In Flecker, Jörg (ed.): Space, Place and Global Digital Work. Palgrave MacMillan, 31-52.
Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2012): Globalisierte Wissensarbeit? Ingenieure in der Automobilindustrie. In Schilcher/Will-Zocholl, 159-184.
Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2011): Knowledge Work in the Automobile Industry. Local and Global Challenges for Engineers. In Krings, Bettina-Johanna (ed.): Changes of Work in Knowledge-based Societies. Berlin: edition sigma, 109-129.
Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2011): Wissensarbeit in der Automobilindustrie. Topologie der Reorganisation von Ingenieursarbeit in der globalen Produktentwicklung. Berlin: edition sigma
Schmiede, Rudi; Will-Zocholl, Mascha (2011): Engineers Work on the Move. Challenges in Automotive Engineering in a Globalized World. In Engineering Studies, Vol.3, Issue 2/2011, 1-21.